Get to know me
María Luz Pomares
Get to know me
María Luz Pomares
I work with a team of professionals with whom I share the same passion for people and organizations.
I decided over 20 years ago to focus my professional career on the field of Human Resources and People Development. I specialized in Work Psychology and Business Consulting to be able to offer customized solutions to my clients, performing very diverse functions and focusing on different sectors. I have always liked challenges and continuous learning.
My main work within Business Consulting is to deal with both the most strategic and operational aspects of organizations. I carry out a general analysis of the personnel structure, elaborating a diagnosis of the possible improvements to later go on to the implementation within the organizational structure. I apply tools and new technologies that facilitate the development of a flexible organization, adaptable to change and new rhythms increasingly accelerated.
Within my main functions I want to emphasize, the selection of personnel to reinforce the teams of my clients and the management of formative activities for the development of the different departments of the organizations.
My main skills are the ability to manage very diverse projects, adaptability to change and new environments, communication and planning skills, but above all to emphasize that to work in this profession is essential to feel passion and believe in people as a decisive factor for effectiveness and efficiency in organizations.
As a Psychologist, I provide psychological counseling services and development of skills and competencies through Coaching & Mentoring processes. I am a Career Consultant and I help people in transit of their professional career, performing Outplacement services for companies.

Professional achievements
Professional Achievements
Professional with more than 20 years of experience in Human Resources Management, Training, Personnel Selection, Career Planning Advice and Business and Organization Development Advice. Extensive experience forming management teams in social skills, management skills, emotional intelligence, positive psychology, stress control and coaching, team management, people management, consultative selling, leadership and productivity, LinkedIn and Personal Branding.
In HR Consultancy and Personnel Selection, he brings experience in all areas of HR, managing staff restructuring, work environment, remuneration policy, management of job offers in different business sectors. It is specialized in executive and middle management selection and technological profiles.
She is an Organizational Psychologist specialized in HR from the UM, with a Master’s Degree in MBA and Postgraduate training in Business Consulting and Talent Management from FBS Fundesem Business School. Expert in Emotional Intelligence by the UNIR, Postgraduate in Clinical Psychology by the University of Murcia and Strategic Coach by Fundesem.
What people say about me

Javier Valverde Moreno
Site Manager

Rafael Blasco
Sales and Marketing Director

Raúl Ayman Raduan
Senior Product Manager

Rafael Prieto Ales
Sales Director

Juan José Vega
Sales Delegate

Pablo Lanza
CEO, Global Working Recruitment

Raúl Sánchez Candelas
Sales Director

Joaquín Navarro
Financial Director