Services for companies

Human Resources Consulting
Human resources consulting projects elaborated for each client: Design of an Organizational Culture. Design of a Corporate Brand and Employer Brand. Value Proposition. Employee Value Proposition. Review of the LinkedIn and LinkedIn company profile. Job Description and Evaluation. Job Map. Performance Evaluation. Management Systems by Objectives. Design of fixed and variable compensation packages and salary policies. Conducting sectorial salary studies. Analysis of work environment. As well as implementing ad hoc plans for the company and training plans tailored to the client.

Personnel recruitment
MLP people + business, is a leading company in Consulting and Interim Management Services, in the field of Personnel Selection and Evaluation.
We carry out a Global Talent Management, with the highest objectivity and efficiency, incorporating innovation and continuous development of all our services.
We are leaders in selection processes, dealing with processes for managers, middle managers, executive positions and specialist professionals from all business areas.
We work from processes of a very high level of complexity, being experts in identifying and attracting the best talent for organizations.

Career Transition and Relocation | Outplacement
CAREER ADVICE SERVICES "Career Plans" From MLP people + business we accompany companies in planning the professional career of the team, so that the most appropriate decisions can be taken from the organization, to align the team' s goals with those of the organization. In this service we offer information and resources that allow the organization an efficient management of the team to "define professional objectives", "reorientation or professional recycling", "possible promotions" and/or "relocation".

Coaching & Mentoring
For managers and professionals within the organization in a situation of change or professional development and designed to improve skills, competencies and knowledge to advance the professional career within the organization. Accompanying service for strategic decision making, taking into account both market requirements and personal and organizational interests.

Personal and Corporate Brand
Value proposition. LinkedIn profile review. Company LinkedIn. Employer Brand. Employee Value Proposition.

Interim Management
Temporary management services for companies.
The services we offer to our clients are oriented to increase the efficiency of the business, supporting in the definition of the strategy. We focus on actions to increase sales, financial management, in the areas of production and logistics, as well as the implementation of new technologies as a lever in change management. We are involved in all areas of management of the company.
- Strategy and general management
- Sales and Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Operations and logistics
- Finance and Controlling
- Technology and systems
- People and human resources management

Legal and Employment Guidance
The legal-labor advice service to help in situations of dismissal, employment contracts, working conditions, reduction of working hours, maternity, paternity, breastfeeding and in those situations that may arise in labor matters.

Training and Conferences
We implement ad hoc plans for the company and tailor-made training plans for the client. We also implement new technological tools in Human Resources management.

Invest Home Group is a company dedicated to investing in real estate, through the search, revaluation and rental of properties for investors, treating each project as if it were unique, always with the collaboration of the best professionals and above all putting a large dose of enthusiasm and passion.
Our value proposal is to offer a comprehensive and personalized service to achieve maximum real estate profitability for our customers.
Within our services we highlight:
- Search for the best investment in real estate
- Real estate profitability study
- Home Staging
- Integral reform of the building
- Rentals