Personnel recruitment

Personnel recruitment
MLP people + business, is a leading company in Consulting and Interim Management Services, in the field of Personnel Selection and Evaluation.
We carry out a Global Talent Management, with the highest objectivity and efficiency, incorporating innovation and continuous development of all our services.
We carry out a Global Talent Management, with the highest objectivity and efficiency, incorporating innovation and continuous development of all our services.
We are leaders in selection processes, dealing with processes for managers, middle managers, executive positions and specialist professionals from all business areas.
We work from processes of a very high level of complexity, being experts in identifying and attracting the best talent for organizations.
How we work
Executive Search & International Headhunting:
Search for Executives, and very highly qualified profiles.
Iternational Recruitment:
Search and evaluation of professional profiles until we find the most suitable candidate for the required position, taking into account the organisational culture and corporate values of our client.
Interim Recruitment Manager:
We offer the possibility of outsourcing the recruitment and selection process, so that you can have the MLP people + business team, as if it were your own selection team, to integrate as a manager within the structure of the organization.
Assessment Center:
Team analysis by carrying out a comprehensive assessment within the organisation of the behaviours and skills required, as well as evaluating the potential in the medium and long term.