
Boom in digital professions

Organizations need a management team that is highly qualified and very prepared to tackle the digital transformation, and to start this transformation and face the new strategy, companies must incorporate personnel with high digital training.

Currently, there are new digital professions that require digital training, which opens up a new world of opportunities. It should be noted that, in the coming years, there will be an increase in offers for digital and technological profiles.

Companies in all sectors and especially the service and leisure sector are the ones that require more jobs to face the digital transformation as the DEMAND FOR DIGITAL POSITIONS INCREASES IN ALL SECTORS (Automotive, Agri-Food, Wholesale, Construction, Services, Technology, Industrial, ETC).

As can be seen, the wholesale trade, technology and industrial sectors occupy the top positions in the ranking of the demand for professionals to address technological transformation.

In the leisure and services sector, there is more demand for digital marketing personnel and platform managers, brand management, distribution channel control, while traditional sales positions are disappearing.

In the industrial sector, there is an increasing tendency to manufacture higher quality products customized for customers, which requires more flexible manufacturing according to needs. This is why the industry is introducing technological and digital innovations incorporating robotics, 3D printing, cloud computing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and new software to improve processes in the supply chain.

Industrial device programming and computing / cost savings / product and process quality improvements will be established. Industry 4.0 is coming: The fully connected factory will see the light soon, we already have 3D printing or interconnected intelligent robots that facilitate a quick reaction of the supply chain.

The industry will bring improvements in robotics, autonomous transportation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, neural networks, etc.

Also noteworthy is the demand for highly skilled engineers with knowledge in information and communication technologies in the construction sector. There will be an update of knowledge in information and communication technologies. International trade is growing exponentially.

As for financial services “new business models, such as mobile banking, require specialists in mathematics, statistics and social intelligence, strategic analysis, risk analysis and Big Data processing”.

There will be 24-hour services. New business models will be created with fewer people in branches. Professionals capable of putting Startups in contact with investors will be needed.

Regarding agri-food, there will be better quality control. Engineers versed in statistics, mathematics and predictive technologies with the ability to analyze large volumes of data are sought after, as digitalization is improving control of product traceability and supply chain management.

Companies are creating new jobs in the IT area and the number of employees in the technological and digital field is growing in Spain, so it is essential to offer training in line with the present and future needs of the market.

Companies are needing new jobs in the area of information technologies and that is why the number of employees in the technological and digital field is growing in Spain and worldwide, so it is essential to be able to offer training according to the new present and future needs of the labor market. The most demanded jobs will be:

Those related to Digital Transformation Strategic Consulting. Positions related to Sales, Marketing and Digital Advertising. In the Finance area, Investment Analysts, Administration Managers and Financial Controllers will be needed. International Trade (Import and Export), will require new profiles with high technical knowledge. The Human Resources area (Recruitment and Talent Management) will create new positions that are capable of addressing the digital transformation.

The Supply Chain, Logistics and Operations area will grow exponentially and will be looking for Logistics / Purchasing and Operations managers.

Finally, Technological and Digital Profiles will create the largest number of positions in the coming years.

As a last detail, know that companies need future workers who have high digital skills, with several languages and with high digital and technological skills in addition to Social Networks as a tool to generate value.

On the other hand, the skills that companies are currently looking for and that will never go out of fashion are:

The ability to work in a team and the ability to make decisions and solve problems.
Technical knowledge related to the job.
The ability to plan, organize and prioritize work.
Proficiency in digital and technological tools and languages.
Learning to accept criticism.
Flexibility and adaptability.
Motivation and confidence to meet the objectives set.
Knowing how to work under pressure to meet deadlines.
Relational and communication skills at all levels.
Positivity, since it has been proven that productivity increases with a positive attitude at work.
In several years, more than 50% of the skills considered important today will have changed.

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