
Social Media as a Recruitment Tool

The People departments bet on social and professional networks to recruit new candidates and on “Employer Branding” strategies.

According to Maria Luz Pomares, director of MLP people + business, “new ways of attracting and retaining employees with new engagement strategies and recruitment tools are becoming very relevant in the digital transformation processes of HR. Companies are betting on e-recruitment platforms, corporate employment websites, talent communities and professional networks such as Linkedin”. He adds that companies “choose to have their own digital strategy of employer branding to position themselves in the goal of the most prepared professionals, observing a clear trend towards the digitalization of HR processes with specific custom software and progressing in the use of data analysis and the introduction of Big Data”.

The big bets in the digital transformation of the people departments are the collaborative work in network, the corporate social networks by the companies, as well as the need to invest in training for all their employees in Digitalization skills “given the great need to prepare all employees in knowledge and transversal skills, with new formats (e-learning platforms) so they can face the digital innovation”, explains María Luz Pomares.

From MLP we highlight the need to learn how to use social networks for job searches, create good networking and practice videoconference interviews. “We must remember that jobs are on the net and that more and more companies are using this medium to save costs. Many discard candidates for not knowing how to use them, so you have to adapt to changes and compete on equal terms,” says the director of the consulting firm MLP people + business.

How to make a successful CV

A job seeker’s resume and cover letter are key tools for a successful job search. A successful CV should take into account who it is addressed to, not presenting the same one for all the job offers, emphasizing the specialties and showing the skills that better define each one, including achievements and recommendations and a good presentation or motivation letter that seduces the employer.

From MLP, we advise that the CV begins with a good professional summary that allows you to position yourself in front of other candidates. “It is a brief paragraph in which to emphasize the strong points, looking for differentiating elements that will make the job seeker shine for this position,” says Maria Luz Pomares.

In addition, it should include key words since recruiters visually look for those that fit the position they need to fill. “To know the keywords you have to know what the companies are looking for, since a large number of searches are made using the name of the position and technical words,” emphasizes María Luz Pomares.

Availability, enthusiasm, flexibility, orientation to results, service capacity, sensitivity to clients, security and initiative, tendency to collaborate and communication skills are critical factors of employability, according to the director of MLP people + business

How to create a good online identity

Recruiters and headhunters are looking for new profiles through social networks, the job seeker must create a personal brand with a good digital footprint, that is, the image he projects on the Internet. And this is done through the comments and messages, the photographs and all the contributions made in social and professional networks.

From MLP we remember that each social network is different, and that each one must be used appropriately and linked to show a complete, updated personal image and brand that reflects the training and experience of the professional.

“Adapting the profile to the interests of the job market, personalizing the URL of your profile page with your name and surname, including keywords in the shared content, avoiding inappropriate comments and content and sharing industry news on LinkedIn or Twitter by expanding your contacts are some tools to succeed in the job search,” says Maria Luz Pomares.

Finally, having an optimized profile on LinkedIn has become very important. From MLP people + business we assure that more than 85% of the people who search the web to find talent do so through this professional network. The director of MLP proposes some actions to complete the profile on LinkedIn:

  1. Show that you are looking for professional opportunities.
  2. Create an attractive professional title.
  3. Show your location and sector.
  4. Add a professional photo.
  5. Include phone, email, instant messaging address, and blog if you have one.
  6. In about (excerpt) you should opt for a direct message to recruiters.
  7. Include the experiences that help you most to add value to your profile and place them in the order that suits you best.
  8. In the Education section you must include degrees and masters.
  9. Include publications.
  10. Include completed projects.
  11. Choose well the skills you want to show | Ask to validate them and validate those of others.
  12. Ask for and give personalized recommendations.
  13. Join and participate in groups of your profession and professional sector.
  14. Use the “Your job” tool to compare your profile with other professionals in your sector.
  15. Customize your public profile URL : Make your public profile as complete as possible.

New trends in the job market in 2021

The concept of “the same job for life” disappears.

Companies must design strategies to attract and retain the Talent they need.

Companies will use Social Networks to follow up on their potential candidates.

The difference in employability between workers who have a “personal brand online and those who do not” will be accentuated.

Employees will have to work on their professional goals and career plans.

Teleworking will be increasingly strong.

Workers will have to design a medium and long term employability plan.

Edited by María Luz Pomares Soler. MLP people + business Director

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