
The Recruiting of Employees

What will be the most sought-after skills for companies in 2021?

Passion, commitment, innovation and creativity, ability to work in a team and communication skills.

In an increasingly competitive job market, it is not enough to have a good education and extensive experience. The competencies or social skills are increasingly taken into account by those responsible for Human Resources when incorporating new workers into their companies. Moreover, many companies, when hiring new workers, introduce a section related to social skills so that job seekers can detail what their skills are. Many job portals, company databases and LinkedIn, have a section to include skills.

But what are the social skills most in demand today by companies in the province of Alicante?

If you are a passionate and committed person, creative, with communication skills, with the ability to lead and to impact and influence the client, as well as to work in a team, you are one of the people that employers consider, nowadays, to be talented.

“In MLP we continuously incorporate talent for client companies; therefore, it is a very important process for our consulting firm. We look for people who are innovative and creative, with high motivation towards the tasks they are going to perform and who are excited about their new job. We value very positively that they have the capacity to work in a team and with communication skills. Proactivity and self-leadership are competencies increasingly sought by our client companies.

“When we define a profile of middle management and/or executive together with our client companies, the most sought-after competencies are customer orientation, decision-making skills, leadership to motivate teams, as well as the ability to work with a tactical and strategic vision”.

At MLP, being aware of the weight it has on commitment, employee welfare and health, and productivity, we are paying special attention to soft skills. Our core soft skills are the ability to impact and influence the client, the ability to create high performance teams, to be committed to the values of the organization and to offer a service with professionalism and personalized attention”.

“It is often said that “hard skills” will get you interviews, but it will be “soft skills” that will get you a job.

At MLP, we believe that people are the most important asset of any organization. Therefore, through soft skills we align talent with organizations.

The director of MLP, Mari Luz Pomares, says that “Nowadays it is just as important to have a good education as it is to develop social skills in line with the demands of companies. In our trainings, for example, we teach them to communicate correctly, because the work demands to relate with other colleagues of the team, with bosses or collaborators, besides clients, among others. Non-verbal language is also fundamental and we must improve these skills to be able to do a good job and work in harmony and improving relationships with the rest of the team.

Likewise, María Luz states that “to manage the selection process in MLP, some of the most important competencies that we take into account for the more junior profiles are motivation towards the position and/or sector, adaptability, initiative, teamwork, communication skills, commitment and responsibility; for the more senior profiles, results orientation, decision-making skills, strategic vision, planning and organization, persuasion and influence and/or negotiation skills, innovation and proactivity, as well as the ability to work under pressure”.

English proficiency, continuing education and digital skills

Along with social skills, training and experience contribute to the choice of the best candidate. In fact, HR managers agree that both the command of English, digital skills and continuous training are the most sought-after requirements when hiring new professionals.

From MLP, Mari Luz Pomares highlights that “the labor market demands that candidates be constantly updated. Today’s professionals have to commit to training in accordance with their professional profile that adds value to their candidacy. Postgraduate training can provide knowledge according to the new challenges of companies and a differential value”.

“The labor market is very competitive, the selection of personnel is becoming more professional and it is essential to learn to know our potential in order to offer companies our added value as professionals”.

“We must learn to look for new job opportunities and this requires us to value our application in a much more effective way, especially to be able to apply for those positions that interest us”.

“Every professional who wants to be successful in the interviews must know his skills and competences, know his achievements and learn to communicate them showing those results that mean a gain or success for the company or organization”.

“More than 85% of the job offers are not published. There are several ways to access these unpublished offers, one is the spontaneous self-candidacy and the other is the management of your network of contacts”.

Edited by María Luz Pomares Soler. MLP people + business Director

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